LGBTQ+ and a Christian? You're Not Alone!

One of the first thing I deconstructed when I was questioning my faith was my view on sexuality. I have acquired some resources over the years that I often direct people to when they ask me about my views on LGBTQIA+ issues. If you are a Christian and wondering about the biblical take on homosexuality or transgenderism, this blog will direct you to resources.

What Does the does Bible say about being gay/lesbian?

What About Transgender and Intersex Believers?
The Science of Gender
Once I started speaking out about a Scriptural argument for LGBTQ+ inclusion, unsurprisingly, my inbox
began to fill up with messages from Christian friends I'd known for years, coming out to me. They were asking
where they could find support. That led me to begin this list of resources:

Help! I'm LGBTQ+ and a Christian!

  • Stan Mitchel This man is a facebook pastor for LGBTQ Christians. He founded GracePointe Church in Nashville, TN, but support LGBTQ+ Christians became a full-time job for him. No joke, send him a private message. He will call you personally.
  • Blue Babies Pink I cannot say enough about this incredible man. B.T. Harman is a gay Christian who shares his story in a series of podcasts about growing up a pastor's kid in the deep South in the United States. He will have you laughing and crying, no matter what side of the spectrum of belief you are on. He also has an incredible resource available called Blue Babies Pink Plus, which includes videos on how to come out safely, how to support your gay child, and more. I will be linking this resource in the following section as well.
  • Church Clarity Are you LGBTQ+ and looking for a church that is actually gay/trans-affirming? This website helps you find churches that don't just present an accepting front, but actually spell out on their website what they believe about gay/lesbian/transgender theology.
Help! I am a Christian Who Loves Someone Who is LGBTQ+
  • Blue Babies Pink PLUS B.T. Harman has done an absolutely incredible job currating resources for Christians who love LGBTQ+ people. This bundle, which only costs $29, includes the Blue Babies Pink Ebook, a resource guide for LGBTQ+ believers, an ebook on how to support your LGBTQ+ family member, as well as a guide on how to come out to your conservative parents. There are two other videos as well, the first one being a guide for Christian parents and how to respond to their child coming out. The other is B.T. Harman's personal story on his personal journey from traditional to affirming.

  • 5 Things to Remember When the Bible is used Against the LGBTQ+ Community This is a blog written by Pastor Jeff Nelson on the real-life implications of speaking out against homosexuality in our churches... and not just on LGBTQ+ people.
  • Mama Bears This is a website for parents of LGBTQ+ children/youth with hundreds of resources from private support groups, to safe school resources, to programs that parents can personally get involved with.


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